Embrace the Spring

With a spotless home

Use voucher code “spring35″ to get 35 aed discount on your first cleaning



Can I book the same cleaner every time?

  • Absolutely. In your account you can see who you have previously booked. Simply select your preference when you book again. Or simply book a recurring (weekly or biweekly) cleaning and the same cleaner will be assigned to you every time.

Should I be home for the cleaning?

  • This is entirely up to you. We recommend that you are there at least for your first booking. This allows for any questions to be answered and specific requirements communicated directly with your cleaner.

What happens if the booked cleaning duration is not enough to complete the full cleaning?

  • If the cleaner informs us that they require more time than booked we will contact you for approval. The minimum booking duration is 3 hours.


  • Charlie

    “Working for Helpling in Dubai has been a very nice experience. I am happy working with my team and with my customers! It’s always the best feeling when a customer requests to have your as their weekly cleaner.”

  • Lorna

    “Helpling customers can review my work and it is wonderful to know that I did a great job cleaning their home. It’s nice to build up the customer’s loyalty and feel appreciated for my cleaning work.”

  • Monalisa

    “Helping came to Dubai, in my opinion, to professionalise cleaning services in the Emirates. They give security to cleaners and customers with a quality home cleaning service.”